Client Testimonials

…Anyone considering Hellerwork should not hesitate. I’ve been a pro hockey player for 20 years. In those 20 years, I felt my best when Ross Short performed Hellerwork on me. My posture was better, joints moved easier, I could breathe easier and this was only after a few sessions. I would recommend it to anyone.”

Dave Babych

Former NHL defense-man (retired) , L.A. Kings, Vancouver Canucks

Ross’s understanding of the human body’s fascia system is amazing. But that is really just the start of why I highly recommend him.

The biggest reason relates to how big a heart he has. There is NO question as to what Ross’s mandate is. He is there to help and educate in a way I have not experienced from any other modality of treatment.

That education empowers you to take ownership of change. DON’T procrastinate. Simply book a time and judge for yourself.

Ryan M

Creative Roots Landscaping

Ross Short is a very skillful professional! He has demonstrated time and time again that he is in tune with the problems I am facing, and he has supported my healing in every way he can. While my path has been a tough one — I’ve practically had to learn to walk again — he has been there every step of the way with me, offering me his many skills in support of my efforts even when I am not with him. I’ve enjoyed his sense of humor that often shows itself at a tough time, humor that has made me smile when I felt like crying. Perhaps his abilities are honed and his caring is deep and genuine, because he has walked the same walk, and it this experience that has actually brought him to his life’s calling. I feel like I have a good friend walking this tough path with me; I do not feel alone. I appreciate Ross’s enthusiasm and efforts on my behalf. When I thought I’d come to the end of the road, Ross has given me a new lease on life – one which has not and will not require drugs, and I’m am so very grateful to Ross and his efforts on my behalf.

Jean Haines

I’m much stronger and my posture has improved considerably. The chronic morning backache I used to blame on our mattress is gone. Ross Short is an excellent pilates instructor and makes the sessions most enjoyable.

Margaret Averil

Retired teacher

When I met Ross, I was at a point in my life where I had merely accepted the fact that I would never walk unassisted again. I had been sick for many years with a virus that had nearly taken my life and had caused many painful and damaging symptoms, including peripheral neuropathy, osteoporosis, chronic low back pain, arthritis and scoliosis. Unable to walk more than a few feet with the aid of a cane, I needed to use a wheelchair to have any outings at all. I was dependent on potent painkillers just to get through each day. The most I hoped that Ross could accomplish was some pain relief, but honestly I was skeptical as doctors had told me that my condition was progressive and not reversible. Ross started with a simple massage that felt different from any other I had ever had. The results could be felt immediately as he kneaded out painful scarring in connective tissues. While working on me physically, Ross talked to me about my body, showing me how it worked and why there were problems. This “Dialoguing” is a two way conversation where I was encouraged to share with him what I was feeling. Events from my past that he could not have known, came back to my mind, along with emotion.

At first I was embarrassed as I felt tears stream down my face and long-buried feelings came to surface. Ross’s gentle persuasion and encouragement spurred me on though, as he helped me to take control and “Choose to release” The memories that were trapped, not only in my mind, but in every cell of my body. It literally felt as though he had stepped inside my skin and showed me how to operate my body, mind and spirit connection. This was, he explained, a technique called Hellerwork. (I would call it “Miraclework” – on day 13 I threw away my cane!) in addition, Ross instructed me in a series of Pilates exercises which help to maintain the physical correction he achieved with the Hellerwork. In short (pun) I am thrilled! I no longer have to use a cane or wheelchair. And most important, I have discovered hope in a life that I had given up on. I still have the virus that caused my sickness, but the symptoms no longer overwhelm me. I have cut back on my use of painkillers dramatically, and my doctors are amazed at the degree of recovery I have achieved. I would strongly and most enthusiastically recommend Ross Short’s unique bodywork programming to anyone in need of pain relief.”
49 year old mother & grandmother
Ottawa, Ontario

Jo-anne Manser

Mother & Grandmother

Testimonial for the Body-Wize Bolster.

-I have been using it for just over a month and I am sleeping more deeply than I have ever slept.

I wake up in the AM feeling rested. I also have been getting 8 hours of constant sleep. I am not experiencing muscle cramps in my legs anymore. I highly recommend using the Body-Wize Bolster.

Randi D.

Thank you Ross for helping me become pain free after a decade of attempts to reduce hip pain due to osteoarthritis.

I tried acupuncture, massage, physio, red light therapy and countless supplements and pain killers for over a decade and NOTHING has worked as well as your magic hands manipulating my fascia, your superb breathing and stretching exercises and your zany sense of humor!

Not to mention enhanced lung capacity! Wishing I had met you decades earlier. You’re the best – simply the best!


For over a decade I endured worsening pain throughout my body. Osteoarthritis affected my right hip and shoulder in particular limiting range of motion.

By the time I discovered Ross about a year ago I had all but given up on therapies: acupuncture, physiotherapy, tai chi, massage, pain killers, countless supplements and laser therapy. All had limited effect.

Ross has gradually reworked deep tissues, freeing up knotted muscle and fascia.

He has taught me how to balance my posture and realign my body.
His skilled hands have freed deep tissue damage done over 78 years of hard work, traumas and misalignment.

Once a month I am like a lump of clay in Ross’s skillful hands as he goes deeper into knotted tissues freeing up what has been bound to my bones for decades allowing me to move freely pain free!

Thank you Ross Short for giving me a new lease on life as I approach 80!

Claudette Kelly RN (ret), BScN, MA, PhD.

Some years ago I completed the 11-session Hellerwork series and followed that up with a tuneup session a few years later. When I wanted another tuneup, I discovered my Hellerwork practitioner had moved. After some searching I discovered Ross Short in Kelowna, so made an appointment. I expected more Hellerwork but Ross gave me much more.

In taking my history Ross soon understood that as a triathlete in relatively good health simply desiring better balance and improved posture, it would be more to my advantage for him to combine Hellerwork with other modalities such as Pilates in what he calls structural integration.

Ross has an incredible amount of training and experience which showed in how he quickly identified my imbalances. While gently doing his bodywork with me he also focussed on helping me to be more body aware. After every session I was given some exercises to reinforce the adjustments he had made. The results were consistent – every session led to improved posture and a greater sensitivity to my body positions and movements.

Ross is scientist, artist, philosopher and teacher all rolled into one. Go see him for your health and enjoyment!

Bob Sherwood


Ross is simply amazing! I had a soft tissue injury in my left pectoral; had never heard of Hellerwork and made the initial appointment based on a recommendation from a friend. Ross not only improved this injury and affected area he also found other injuries I had endured for years but thought they were just part of getting “older” And provided the healing I didn’t think possible.

I had a shoulder injury obtained 20 years previously which limited my range of motion (I was a college football quarterback). I had gone to physio for a few months with minor improvements and thought this was just an injury I would have to live with. I am so glad Ross proved me wrong! After he had worked on my shoulder for one session all pain was gone in the area. Ross increased the range of motion by about 30%. I was absolutely astounded by the increase in flexibility.

Ross also worked on my Achilles heel, where i had over 20 years of tightness with some burning sensations and with limited flexibility. This also affected my calves and feet. I lived with the pain again thinking this was just part of the process of playing contact sports and getting older. Ross worked on the areas with some very unique techniques i had never before encountered and my feet, calves and Achilles have never felt better.

I had originally planned only 3 sessions but have made so many significant improvements that are “life changing” I have since booked the whole program…

Ross your passion for your work is truly appreciated!”

Kevin Frigon

Business Coach, Former NCAA Quarterback

I’ve been attending Pilates classes for seven months attending three times a week average. After taking a week off for a great holiday, I was eager to return to the studio and resume exercise. To my great surprise, my body didn’t want to cooperate as well as I had assumed. In short order I realized how very much the Pilates method of exercise and strength training had improved all of my body movements. Being sixty years young, keeping my balance and sense of centre of gravity has been one of greater concern. However, in the last couple of months my balance has improved immensely and no one now can say I’m the least bit clumsy! I’ve saved the best until last….. Because my body strength is so improved, my sense of myself has also changed. Several people have commented on my good posture and gracefulness.”
60 year old grandmother
Kelowna, B.C.

Carol Walker

Mother & Grandmother

The domino’s of facial release. There are few professionals who are as dedicated to life long learning and have a natural intuitive response to the need in my (our) facial planes. When a system in my person struggles it affects everything it touches. The decades of accidents, falls, stresses in me met with Ross a decade ago, he patiently helped to unravel the twists, knots in my fascia that had put my commitment to physical health on hold. The result is I am aware of the rhythmic balance needed to maintain the health I am committed to. Ross takes time, listens to the whole person. Then gently walks with you to a healthier you.

Celina Manson

Business Owner

Body wise – Ross Short (Chip as I like to call him 🙂

I have taken eleven treatments from Chip, and the difference in mental and physical improvement over that period of time was eye opening.

First you think this is just another possibility for your improving your over all health and the aches in your body. At the start your are greeted by this enthusiastic individual who after a small introduction informs you that there are no guarantees but if there is no improvement you can leave at anytime, but as he works the tissues of the body you will gradually realize things begin to evolve into better mind and body health. His constant instruction as he works with you is about all things important to the treatment; it took me a few visits to catch on to this and paid him more attention going forward. I see him as needed now and consider him a trusted friend.

At the beginning I was asked a sequence of questions, about my over all mental and body health and feelings.  Chip asked me the same questions on completion of treatment, and my score went from a 30 percentile score to 80.

I left with a better outlook and feeling the Traumas in my body had been addressed and I could function with less pain and limp.

Thanks Chip



I’ve been to dozens of therapists in the bodywork genre over the past decade. Ross Short is by far the most knowledgeable and skilled practitioner of all I have seen. Ross has exceptional technique and an almost magical ability to hone in on the problem area, getting to the root of the problem quickly. 

He was able to accomplish in 4 sessions what has taken others a whole year of therapy to achieve. 

I also truly appreciate how he always goes the extra mile to teach you valuable self care tools so you can be even more empowered in creating health.

If you’re lucky enough to get an opening with Ross, absolutely take it! 

Jenna McCabe, Master of Science in Chinese Medicine

Three years ago after having run the gamut with exercise, physio, acupuncture, massage therapy, not to mention drugs, in my efforts to be ‘free of back pain’ I figured I had nothing to lose in trying yet another regime that promised wonderful things. I was introduced to Pilates by Ross Short in 1999. My main goal at that time was to rid myself of chronic lower back pain, I was unprepared for the additional elements I was about to lose. Gone with the pain went my poor posture, insomnia, an obsession to exercise like a maniac, and last but certainly not least a dress size. In a very short time my back pain was reduced immeasurably, three years later I continue to enjoy relief from back pain with an investment of 20 minutes of Pilates exercises each day. The secondary effects of practicing this exercise form have been phenomenal. I have a markedly increased range of motion, flexibility, strength, posture, energy, and also endurance. It has promoted a more efficient oxygen delivery system within my body that not only has improved my running speeds but also day to day energy and has even settled my sleep patterns. Ross has a wealth of knowledge in body mechanics, and he freely applies this knowledge in his classes, coupled with his Hellerwork his classes provide a thorough body/mind work out that leave me lengthened strengthened and de-stressed. I would highly recommend his classes to anyone from an individual who seeks better posture, flexibility and general well-being to an elite athlete looking to gain a competitive edge.

Jan Flanagan

Mother of thee, Radiology Assistant

I have had amazing results from the Hellerwork sessions I have had with Ross. I went through the series of 11 sessions and regained my mobility. My body began to move with ease, without pain and I could get through the day’s activities without the fatigue I had been dealing with.

Ross is very thorough at working out the stress points, I am grateful to have discovered Hellerwork and to have had the pleasure of working my way back to health with Ross.

Barb Baker

Business Owner

After working at the bedside in ICU for 35 years, I had back and hip pain.
I completed the structural integration program and now have tune-ups as needed. I had tried physio, chiropractic and massage with some relief but I have responded best to Ross’ work. I wish I had started much sooner and perhaps I would not have osteoarthritis of the hip. Structural integration sessions with Ross, who is relaxed and yet so thorough, have kept me moving and relatively pain free since I retired. I highly recommend trying this form of treatment.

Brenda Miles, RN

Registered Nurse (retired)

I have recently moved to Kelowna and I was referred to Ross because I deal with osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia and plantar fascitis. I underwent a full series of structural integration which has led to considerable reduction in my overall pain. The treatments have allowed me to return to walking and exercising.

Ross was very thorough, compassionate and focused during my treatments. He is easy to work with, fun to talk to and very good at bodywork. As an osteopathic physician who specialized in manipulation I have had a great deal of experience with bodyworkers. I would not hesitate in recommending Ross. He is also very professional. Thanks Ross, you did a great job.

Dr. Denise Cantin

After exhausting other forms of treatment, I underwent a series of Hellerwork sessions followed up with a program of Pilates exercises. Hellerwork restored movement in my lower back that had been lost due to a traffic accident. A program of pilates exercises has maintained that range of motion and also strengthened that once injured area. Today, thanks to Hellerwork and pilates exercise program, I am free from ongoing back pain.

Mark Kellerman

Business Owner

I was involved in a serious car accident that resulted in serious injury to my lower back, hips and knee. Through taking the pilates course with Ross Short, I have learned new ways to use my core strength and proper breathing techniques to substantially reduce my physical pain, and open the joints in my body. Ross is an excellent instructor who takes pride in his teaching, and is really understanding of a person’s abilities and weaknesses.”
25 year old weight trainer


When people ask me if I get any body work done, I say I do, and it’s like magic. Since discovering Ross at Body-Wize, I have not gone to any other specialist, and I only need to see Ross when I reinjure myself or stop following his simple guidance or just because I absolutely love how well my body works after. 

In my first round of visits, Ross worked on recent injuries as well as pain I had come to accept as my new normal – severe back pain, shoulder issues, problems in my feet, to name a few.  I had spent years and loads of time and money going to various specialists with moderate success, but I had to keep up my visits regularly. Now when I follow Ross’s simple recommendations around movement and some simple exercises, I am able to remain pain free indefinitely.

Dawn. T

Ross quickly and accurately identified the issues and imbalances in my body from sport related injuries and overuse. Particularly, these issues resided in my foot, hip, back and shoulder and were a source of constant pain.

They impacted my sleep and were beginning to impact my daily function. After only a few sessions with Ross, I am now pain free! Through the sessions, I have developed a deeper awareness of how my body was designed to move and function.

He has provided me with the education and tools needed to help me keep my body strong, in alignment and pain free. Every time I leave a session, I feel holistically amazing. I highly recommend Structural Integration for anyone who is serious about ditching the pain in their body and learning how to care for themselves.

– Jen. B

Check out my You Tube Channel

Phone: 250-717-3553

Address (By appointment only):

925 Tronson Dr
Kelowna, BC
V1Y 4C9

Hours of Operation:

9:00 AM – 3:30 PM (last appointment @ 2:00 PM)

9:00 AM – 3:30 PM (last appointment @ 2:00 PM)



9:00 AM – 3:30 PM (last appointment @ 2:00 PM)

9:00 AM – 3:30 PM (last appointment @ 2:00 PM)
